Our Stampede HOG Ride Hotline is now ACTIVE !!
To get up-to-date notifications on ride cancellations or time/location changes... just call 817-502-8097 and a recording will give you all the information you need!
Stampede HOG

The more H.O.G. members get out and ride, the more adventures, fun, and camaraderie they experience. Now H.O.G. members and chapters have even more reasons to ride with the Ride 365 mileage program that launched in 2018.
In addition to the Lifetime Mileage Recognition program, Ride 365 will offer Annual Mileage Recognition and a Chapter Challenge. H.O.G. members will earn annual recognition and rewards based on their mileage tracked from January 1 to December 31. Rewards include certificates, badges, special patches and more.
The Chapter Challenge measure the aggregate total mileage of chapter members for the calendar year. Chapters will be recognized in two categories: highest total mileage and highest average mileage per member. Each region will have a winner in each category, earning a plaque and a pizza party hosted by a H.O.G. Regional Manager. A national champion will be named in each Chapter Challenge category and earn a patch, plaque, and recognition in HOG Magazine and at the Harley-Davidson Museum.
After the first of the year, either get with a HOG Officer....or ride over to Stampede Harley and ask any sales person to validate your mileage, that's it. You can have an Officer record your mileage or return to the dealership any time to keep it updated -
the more often the better.
Your information will be added to individual and chapter mileage totals on Members with multiple bikes can enroll in the program and totals will be added together.
All that's left to do is RIDE and report those miles!!!