There seems to be a lot of misconceptions about L.O.H.® (Ladies of Harley). Ladies of Harley is a program sponsored by the Harley Owners Group to support women motorcycle enthusiasts. Notice, I didn't say riders. It doesn't matter if you are a passenger or if you ride your own, you can be a part of LOH! Ladies of Harley was established to encourage women to become more active in H.O.G.® and in their local chapters.
Did you know being a member of Ladies of Harley is FREE? It is not, however, automatic. If you are a national H.O.G.® member, you can join, regardless of whether you are a full, life, or associate member. You must contact H.O.G. and tell them you'd like to be a member of LOH. Just call 1-800-CLUB-HOG or go to Harley Owners Group, log into the members only area, then go to Update Membership Profile. Click the yes option for LOH and you're done! After you've joined, you will receive a LOH embroidered patch and an LOH pin each year, in addition to the annual H.O.G. patch and pin.
All Stampede H.O.G. ladies are invited to join us for our meetings. It is a perfect place to meet other women members, ask questions, and get the latest Chapter information.
Once we start having meetings, we will meet the 3rd Saturday of each month, immediately after the Chapter Meeting. The meetings will usually last approximately 45minutes. We will be sure to let you know when our first meeting is so you can come join us and bring your ideas for the year ahead!
Remember, LOH is not about where you ride on the bike -- it's about ladies sharing their common passions for Harley-Davidson motorcycles!
Maggie Norton, your Ladies of Harley Officer